The GCCS Spanish Immersion program began in 2009 when a group of eager students began kindergarten. In their tenth year, they’ve experimented with all-new teachers and classes.
This year, the Spanish Immersion class is taking Spanish 9 both semesters, World History one semester and Old Testament one semester (both of these classes are in Spanish). Through middle school they did a similar format, taking 3 unique classes in Spanish and the rest in English. But in elementary school, they took all their classes in Spanish except “specials”, such as Music, PE, and Art. Once they complete high school, they’ll get a college Minor in Spanish.
The Spanish Immersion class has been taught about how important Spanish is in their future lives, such as finding a job. The class has also had several cultural encounters, such as debates about real-world issues, tasting authentic Spanish food, and interacting with Hispanic natives.
According to a recent survey sent out to the Spanish class, 85% of the students who responded are glad they’re in the Spanish class. On the contrary, all the students who responded said being in the Spanish class affects their English knowledge. In conclusion, both classes have advantages and seem to teach successfully.