Senior Eat-Out Tips

Everyone knows about Senior Eat-Out. Every Monday and Friday, the underclassmen watch the seniors sprint from their 5th hour classes and to their cars so that they can go someplace where the food is way better than what they themselves packed. Their mouths water as that one senior in their 6th hour class brings back a tempting plate of nachos, fries, or what have you. The juniors wait impatiently for the end of the year, when they, too, can finally experience the joy of driving away from school and enter the world of fast food and eating out.

We’ve all been in one or more of those situations, either waiting for our chance to go on Eat-Out or doing it ourselves. Allow me to help make your Senior Eat-out experience the best it can be. For all you seniors and future seniors out there, here is a list of seven Senior Eat-Out tips. Enjoy!

  1. Make plans beforehand. Lunch time isn’t very long (33 minutes I believe), so you have to be ready to milk every second of it for eating out. If you know where you’re going and who is driving before lunchtime starts, that will help you make good use of time and decrease any stress you might have. Depending on where you choose to eat, you may be able to order your lunch online earlier in the day. This is a time-saving option that you may want to consider if you have the opportunity.
  2. Go with your friends. It’s no fun to eat by yourself! Gather your gang and get some grub.
  3. Don’t drive like an idiot. Really. Don’t do it. Speeding, swerving, tailgating, and texting are all examples of how to be an idiot driver. Be safe.
  4. Respect the time constraint. Some teachers are very forgiving about getting back from Eat-Out, such as Mr. Dekker, but others are not. (That’s a joke by the way, Mr. Dekker is not a fan of y’all being tardy from lunch.) While most teachers are not okay with tardiness, most are okay with students eating in class. So getting back early or on time is the smarter option.
  5. Try to minimize spending. Money is a rare thing in high school. Try to hang onto it as there are more important things than quesadillas and smoothies. Ways to save money include: Eating at school more often, bringing along some food from home so that you don’t need to order as much, sharing with friends, and many more. You can also pack a lunch and bring it to Eat-Out with your friends. My main advice here is just to be smart about spending. Talk to someone in personal finance if you want more advice on that.
  6. DON’T DRIVE LIKE AN IDIOT. That’s right, it’s on here twice. Don’t do it.
  7. Lastly, befriend people who go on Eat-Out often. Especially for underclassmen, seniors can buy stuff and bring it to you! Also, if someone brings something back to school and can’t finish it, you can graciously offer to do it for them. If you’re friends with them, you might just get some free food. Who doesn’t like that?

Most of these are probably common sense, but I hope they are helpful. Remember to be safe and enjoy eating out with your friends! And if you have any extra food, hit me up.


PC: Lindsey VanHeuvelen

About Seth Piersma

Seth is a senior at CCHS. He enjoys indie music, memes, and politics. He doesn’t know what else to write here but hopes that’s ok.

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