“Move up! Move up! Get used to it, Freshmen!” We’ve all been there, and we’ve all heard that dreaded phrase. Freshmen often have a tough time getting used to high school, and being forced to move up the bleachers at football and basketball games is just one frustrating adjustment. So, dear freshmen of CCHS, I have compiled some advice for you, some from my own experience and some from teachers and other seniors. I hope this advice will make your continual transition into high school somewhat smoother.
Go to the games, guys. Watching your classmates play football, basketball, soccer, or any other sport could be one of your fondest memories of high school. Along with that, I advise you to “move up” when you are asked (or demanded) at athletic events. Just relax, you’ll be a senior someday, too.
This next piece of advice is critical: remember that hallways are for walking, not congregating in the middle of. I understand you don’t have a license yet, but hallways work similarly to roads.
As a senior, I have used these roads to get to plenty of classes here at CCHS. After taking almost seven full semesters of classes, I have noticed that certain subjects such as math and science raise stress levels more than others. So understand me when I say that your grades do, in fact, matter even as freshmen. However, you should not stress about them. If you find yourself stressing about grades anyway, talk to your teachers. They’ll be happy to hear from you.

Speaking of teachers, it’s time for some advice from a few of them. Even if you have yet to be part of their classes, all of our teachers at CCHS are available for advice whenever you need it. Here I have provided only some of the wisdom they generously contributed.
- “Explore as many extracurricular activities and electives as you can to figure out what you want to pursue in life. Don’t limit yourself to just one thing.” – Felicia Caldwell (Art teacher)
- “Check Powerschool and Moodle everyday.” – Nate Adema (Science teacher)
- “I am nice.” – Dan Olthoff (Math extraordinaire)
- “Take four years of Spanish.” – Profe Susann Shultz (Spanish teacher)
Lastly, take this advice from other seniors at CCHS.
- “Get Spanish classes out of the way ASAP.” – Logan Grooters
- “Don’t act like you know everything.” – Brennan Hendrickson
- “Some peer pressure is good.” – Anonymous
- “Don’t be afraid to talk to seniors/upperclassmen; find ones that will befriend you… It unites the school community and gives you an experienced person to talk to, someone who’s ‘been around the square.’” – Adam Gruppen
Plenty of students and staff have advice you might need. Students and teachers quoted in this article are not the only sources of understanding or experience at CCHS. Similarly, the article is not a complete set of guidance for you as high school freshmen. Rather, my hope is that this encouragement and these suggestions make CCHS a better place for you and your classmates to learn and live through. So take it from us, dear freshmen, and get used to it.
Article written by Brianna Deppe