Month: October 2018

Editor’s Note: September 2018
Welcome to the Calvin Christian 2018-19 school year! This article will give you a taste of each of the articles that we produced this month with our new 2018-2019 Insquirer team. Enjoy!!
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If You’re Reading This, Chances Are You’re Procrastinating Too
Ahhhh, Summer; the time in which we drop our 9-month-old bad habits like a hot tamale and start living our best lives. When we set goals and actually follow through …
Read MoreSeptember Feature Teacher: Mr. DeWaal
This month we got the chance to talk with one of our newest teachers at CCHS, Mr. DeWaal. Although Mr. DeWaal has only been teaching here for two semesters, he has enjoyed watching this year’s freshman conquer swing dancing in his P.E. one class.
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Freshmen Volleyball!
The freshmen volleyball team 2018 #4 Heidi Thomasma #5 Lauren Steenstra #6 Olivia Alcumbrack #7 Abby Riddering #8 Jasmine Bos #9 Ella Staal #10 Alexis Kiekover #11 Abby Perkin #12 …
Read MoreCalvin Christian Cross Country!
This year, the cross country team has a lot to look forward to. With a lot less people than last year, the team is able to work together and bond a lot easier: two valuable aspects that will make cross-country unforgettable this year. In addition to this, both teams have been putting up fast times and have set their eyes on state.
Read MoreTop of the Month: September
Tis the season for Friday night football games that turn into photoshoots. “Wanna take a picture with me at halftime?” is a phrase that will never wear out, because we all know that the students only attend for the themes anyway. From table-topping and playing under the bleachers to cheering on our NFL comparable team from the student section, the ‘Friday Night Lights’ have yet to burn out.
Read MoreJV Boys Soccer
Junior Varsity Boys Soccer has been having a great season! The team remains undefeated after eleven games. The JV coach for this year is Mr. Joel Boender, who has successfully …
Read MoreChapel in the Learning Commons!
We gather together to worship and hear an encouraging message in chapel every week here at Calvin Christian High School. Chapel is a time of fellowship as a Christian school, a time to stop all of our business and listen to the word of God. High School chapel has been held in the gym for the last several years but has been moved to the LC for the first time this year. We’ve been asking students around Calvin what they think of the transition from the gym to the Learning Commons.
Read MoreTips to Survive High School!
High school. I’ve heard a lot of different versions of what high school was like from my family friends and people who have graduated. Some people said it was the worst four years of their life, with all the gossiping and judgment. Others said they loved it, that they had the most fun during those four years.
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