Is it just me, or did everyone else stock up for the storm like it was about to be the storm of the century? It’s not that weird though, considering there have been over 466 closings for today. After too many years with no more than three snow days, we are officially winning at life folks. With 4 and ½ snow days so far this year, three of which were within this past week, and still another on the horizon, things could not be looking better. In order to have the best snow day ever, and not end up only watching Netflix the whole day, I have come up with a list of amazing things to do on your snow day!
Here are a couple of amazing ideas of how to use your time on the day off!
- You could catch up on all the homework and studying that you didn’t do. (Note: this is only a LAST RESORT option.)
- Go follow Blake Harms @hvillewxman on all the things(Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.) His closing and snow day predictions have been more spot on then all the news channels and the snow day calculator combined. It’s honestly like Mrs. Stammis’ sixth sense of snow day prediction on steroids.
- If you have any gift cards left over from Christmas, your birthday, or anything else, go on the line and check for the sales and do a little window shopping. If you’re looking for some amazing snacks you can get this 40 count Cookies, Chips, candy, and snack care package for only $24.99 on Amazon.
- If it’s above 20 degrees(as to avoid frostbite), go outside and shovel or snow blow a neighbor’s driveway! You could even shovel your own while you’re out there.
- For those of you that haven’t already watched Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix, you definitely should on your snow day. It sounds lame, but after watching 3 episodes I went up to my messy room and got rid of so many things that didn’t spark joy. Here’s the easy method that’ll make you feel amazing after you go through its steps!
- First, gather ALL of your clothes together in a pile in your room. This means everything from hoodies to dresses to your snazzy socks.
- Go through all of your items, one by one, and only keep the things that spark joy! “Spark joy” might seem like a confusing term, but it essentially is the feeling of joy that you get when you hold that item. It feels like a smile in your soul or when you hold a puppy or when you suddenly become friends with a random little baby at the store. Kapeesh?
- If an item doesn’t spark joy, thank the item for being of good use and bringing memories to you over the years, and then add it to a donation pile/bag/bin. Thanking an item may seem weird but it lessens the guilt some people feel for getting rid of some things.
- For the things, you do want to keep, hang them up or fold them in one of the following ways and store them vertically(so each item is facing standing, rather than laying flat) in drawers or boxes so you can see them all.
- That’s all! If a part-time procrastinator/mess-maker like myself can do it, so can you!
- Plan your outfit for 90’s day if you go to Calvin(Tuesday, January 29, 2019)
- Like the legendary egg on Instagram.
- Check in on how those New Year’s Resolutions are going and how to stick with them or change your goals a little bit.
- Make a blanket fort with all of the blankets you can find in your house!
- Light a candle and grab some metal skewers or metal forks, and some marshmallows. You can put a marshmallow or two on the skewer or fork and put it over the candle and roast some marshmallows! You could also do this with marshmallow sticks and a fireplace for an alternative option. Please be careful with fire kiddos and use a little common sense and some graham crackers!
- If it’s safe to go out on the roads, stop by the newly opened Wildroast Coffee Co. in Grandville for coffee, chairs, and comfy couches. It might just be your new cup of tea!
- Go through your Snowcoming dance pictures, and hope that no one posts the photos where you are either blinking or look a little dead inside.
- Bake some delicious, toasty, cookies and curl up with a good book and a cup of coffee or hot chocolate.
- Grab an easel, some brushes, paint, and an apron so you can paint with Bob Ross for a little bit!
- Go sledding in your backyard for a little bit, if you have a little hill! Extra style points if you put your Christmas tree at the top of the hill and bury it in the snow to make an awesome starting spot!
- Making some waffles, storebought or homemade, will make your day wonderful.
- Listen to the amazing mix that the Snow Day playlist on Spotify!
- Color in an adult or children’s coloring book.
- Do a puzzle, the more pieces the better!
- Read or write some poetry, and check out Button Poetry’s slam poetry channel on YouTube.
- Work out for a little bit. Yeah no.
- Scour the webs for some pun-derful puns.
Above all, stay safe and make the most of a wonderful day off kiddos!